Teniski klub Partizan
Partizan tennis club
As an authentic sports institution, TK Partizan represents a concentrate of excellence dating back to its foundation in 1952. in the the House of the Yugoslav People’s Army JNA – Partizan, an organization that deals with other sports segments, hosted numerous international sports and tennis events. Our courts were visited by legendary tennis players from the past, as well as those who are currently at the top of the world rankings, such as Novak Djokovic, who is the best world player of all time. The tennis school at the Club has been active since its foundation and is an incubator for young talents, both in Yugoslavia and in Serbia, creating regional sport, culture and historical heritage.
Legends of the club
Legendary tennis players from the past and those who are currently at the top of the world rankings have trod on the courts of TK Partizan. From the paths of the Club established way back in 1952. , many top Yugoslav and later Serbian players participated in the creation of the Club’s history.
Many experts think that TK Partizan is the only club in the region, Europe and perhaps in the world that launched so many tennis champions who together won numerous Grand Slam titles in both the women’s and men’s competitions, as well as the first place in the ITF and ATP rankings. .
The Club’s ambition and goal is to continue creating such top athletes and tennis stars so that TK Partizan cements its legacy as a tennis talent factory that has lasted for almost 70 years.

The world number 1 also started on our courts

Our partners
Club management
TK Partizan is a sports association and as such, the Club is managed by its members through their representatives in the Club. The Assembly of the Club is the highest body, while the Management Board is the management body of the Club, which has seven members:
- Predsednik : B.Radovanović
- Generalni direktor : Lj. Grujić
- Član UO: S.Vulević
- Član UO: B. Tomašević
- Član UO: U. Grujić
- Član UO: M. Aleksić
- Član UO: S. Starčević

Klub brojnih svetskih asova poput Novaka, Janka, Ane, Zimonjica, Andree Petkovic, Jelene Dokic i Jelene Gencic.
Pre nekoliko meseci pridružio sam se Teniskom klubu Partizan i oduševljen sam s kvalitetom usluge koju sam dobio. Teniski tereni su sjajni, čisti i dobro održavani, što mi omogućuje da igram tenis na vrhunskom nivou. Cenim stručnost i posvećenost trenera, koji su uvek spremni pružiti savete i pomoć kako bih poboljšao svoju igru. Preporučio bih Teniski klub Partizan svakome ko želi uživati u igri tenisa.
Teniski klub Partizan mi je postao omiljeno mesto za igru tenisa. Tereni su izvrsni i uvek čisti, s mnogo prostora za kretanje i zabavu, ljubaznost osoblja na recepciji čini iskustvo još ugodnijim.